Compression Latches

Compression Latches are a type of locking mechanism that achieves locking and unlocking functions through the application of pressure. Utilizing a compression spring or similar mechanism, the latch bolt is pressed into the lock body when the door is closed and then automatically springs out to engage with the lock hole in the door frame, thereby securing the door. This type of lock is designed with simplicity and ease of installation in mind, making it widely used in cabinets, drawers, and boxes where quick locking and unlocking are required. Its main advantages include ease of operation, high durability, and minimal space requirements, making it suitable for a variety of environments and applications. Compression Latches offer mechanical advantages, ensuring a tight closure of the door panel with good shock resistance and effective sealing against water and dust. They also provide options for key entry and tool-secure entry methods. These features make Compression Latches an ideal choice for various Locks for Doors applications.

Key Benefits

Quick installation and operation
Insulation from dust and water
Eliminates vibration and noise
Provides key locking and tool security options
Adjustable options to compensate for dimensional changes and gasket settings
Multiple drive and handle options available

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